Mittwoch, 20. März 2013

Leaving for France

It has been so cold here in Berlin and it has even snowed again during the whole week. Although I really do love winter and the snow, I must say, that it really is time for the weather to change. Seeing the sun shine and being able to wear coats which don´t make you look like a barrel would be quiet a nice change!
Thank god that I have the opportunity to travel to the south of France for two weeks where there is no snow and where it is quiet a bit warmer. And after finally having packed everything I can´t wait for the trip to start.
As I won´t have internet access during these two weeks, I will only be able to post something again as soon as I am back in Berlin. But until then I wanted to show you guys a pictures of me which was already taken about two years ago. I hope that you like it!

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